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KSh 2000 / USD 19.27
Madhabahu ya Dhahabu
With teaching touching adversely from health, The Sanctuary and Religion, Grab your copy of this amazing evangelistic series at only KSHS. 2000 / USD 19.27 for a series pack.
KSh 2000 / USD 19.27
Jesus speaks through mountains and valleys
With an amazing flow on family Life and a complimentary Sermon from the Guest speaker Grab your copy of this evangelistic series at KSHS. 2000 / USD 19.27 as "Jesus reveals himself through mountains and valleys."
KSh 2000 / USD 19.27
Revelations of Hope
Running under the Tagline: "If it is in the Bible then it is for me, if not then it is not for me!" I a powerful series packed with Health exploration and and reviving Bible truths by God's ministers Pr.Derek Morris and Sis. Hesperanace Deodate. Grab your copy of this amazing evangelistic series at only K SHS. 2000 / USD 19.27 for a series pack.
KSh 2,000 / USD 19.27
Gifts of the Gospel
Containing key notes from Paul's writings. Make sure to grab your set copy of this powerful sharing for only KSHS.2,000 / USD 19.27
KSh 300
Hope Channel Mug
Do you love what is in your cup? Share it with us as we evangelize together. Get yourself a Hope Channel mug at only Kshs. 300. (include mug color)
Hope Channel Kenya T-Shirt
Wear something that enables you to evangelize more. Put on something that reflects what you see and encourage others to watch hope channel. Put on a hope channel t-shirt. (remember to include your size)